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Welcome to step right up manuals part-9

Welcome to step right up manuals part-9

Let’s see, I’m supposed to write something about the homepage. Only a moron would need something written about the home page. It’s all right there, all of it. Well okay I will pull it out or put it up in front of me on the computer so I can describe what I see. It says welcome to step right up Manuals your source for over 3000 downloadable PDF service manuals for over 40,000 models of appliances as well as heating and cooling. Blah, blah, blah!

Above it is the step right up appliance manuals logo. That was designed by my first webmaster. Those were the old Joomla days. Joomla sucks! One thing sucks about is my site is so full of manuals that it would not allow me to add new ones! And there are new ones to add! So the site had to be rebuilt with WordPress. And that’s where my webmaster came in. He’s a good webmaster and his wife is a great cook and he has a sweet daughter who sometimes helps him with my website. I think she’s about 4 years old or something. We owe it all to her.

Now he’s skyping me telling me what I have to say. I wonder if its really his daughters idea. She is the genius of the family.

He says and I quote, quote title should be like this… The biggest archive of electronic service manuals over 3000 plus. That sound redundant to me to say over 3000 plus. If it were my idea I would say over 3000! And leave the plus out. This is my explanation of my homepage. My webmaster is making me do it.

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Welcome to step right up manuals part-8

Welcome to step right up manuals part-8

My webmaster says I have to write at least eight more blogs. Or are they called posts? I don’t know the difference. I don’t care either. What am I to do if I can’t think of anything to say?

I was reading a good book about a guy in England, in southern England, who here is that an old friend of his is dying in northern England. So he decides to go on a pilgrimage, walking all the way to see his friend. He hopes that his friend will stay alive if he keeps walking. It was a good book. I was reading it on buses and in airports, because I travel a lot. But I left it on a picnic table in Stockholm Sweden, and since then I have had nothing to read and no boredom prevention measures. Do you know what that means?

It means that I have to write post to this blog. And that is not a boredom prevention measure. It is a boredom inducing measure. But my web master makes me do it. What did I ever do to him? I have never heard him in anyway! And he makes me do blogs, or are they post that I have to do? Will somebody please tell me the difference. After this I have 7 more of these posts to write. He actually told me, last night, that I should do a post for every single manual that I have in the site, and there are over 3000 manuals! It’s like he doesn’t think I have a life.

The weather today was overcast and a little bit drizzly. Not too much rain, just enough to make the ground happy.

Have you noticed all the chem trails in the atmosphere? Who is doing that anyway? Who do they work for? I see them everywhere I go and I travel a lot.

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Welcome to step right up manuals part-7

Welcome to step right up manuals part-7

My webmaster is up to something. I know it. He’s been saying my blogs are good. I have a feeling he wants a raise. He wants me to feel good. The better I feel the bigger the raise. Don’t forget the big bonuses to. He likes those.

I was walking down the street the other day whistling a song by Queen. It was friends will be friends. I also like well I like everything by Queen almost. I really like Freddie Mercury’s Barcelona opera. I could listen to that while I fix appliances. Working is what I do while I’m listening to music. I don’t like to be distracted from the music by having to search the internet for an appliance manual. For that I go to and easily find what I want and download it and get back to my music.

I don’t know why people hire me to do what I do. I never know what I’m going to do. Its like every job is brand new and I’ve never done it before. So every job I have to figure out what to do. But luckily I am smart, very very smart. That is something my webmaster will agree with. And to keep him happy I tell him he’s smart, too! If I keep him happy enough he will not ask for a raise. So I make sure he gets plenty of compliments. It saves me money.

You can save money too by buying a appliance service manual from me. You can do the work yourself and save about a billion dollars over hiring a professional technician. If you’re a professional technician reading this, I didn’t mean it.

Oh, my toast just popped up! Good thing my toaster is not broken because I don’t have a repair manual for toasters.

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Welcome to step right up manuals part-6

Welcome to step right up manuals part-6

There are times, when I am dictating this blog into my phone, that I just burst out laughing and the phone tries to spell the laughter and it sounds like gogglety goop. Have you ever had that problem? Or am I the only one?

The weather today was hot again and it’s a good day to have an air conditioner. But if your air conditioner is broken and you need a service manual to fix it yourself and save a lot of money, then this is the right site for you. I can sell you a repair manual. All you have to do is enter your model number in the search engine and voila! You have your manual and it’s only a matter of a minute or two and you will have a download available to you and you can fix your air conditioner.

But why take my word for it? Go ahead and try! Buy something buy anything! It’s not like I don’t have to eat. I do have to eat, and it takes money to eat. Not that I can eat money. Who can? Money is dirty. You never know where it’s been. So don’t eat it. Eat what you can buy with it, if you buy food with it. But if you buy a new car with it, don’t eat it. It will devalue it if it has bite marks in it.

There is a funny American comedian, or maybe he’s Canadian, named Mitch Hedberg, I think that’s his name. Anyway check him out on YouTube. He is off the wall funny. If he was alive I would get some material from him. If he was alive maybe he would read this blog on stage. That ought to get a laugh or two. Funny, my webmaster doesn’t think it’s so funny. What does he know anyway? Just when I thought I had everything under control he tells me to write blogs. I can’t help it if he doesn’t understand my sense of humor. What to do?

Is this good enough? Is this 100 to 300 words? Well if it is I can quit. I need a counter. Not a kitchen counter. A kitchen counter you can put appliances on, and if your appliances are broken, you can fix them on your kitchen counter with a helpful handy repair manual that you can buy from me.

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Welcome to step right up manuals Part-5

Welcome to step right up manuals Part-5

I was born at a very young age on a dark and stormy night. The thunder roared and the lightning flashed and whoever would know that I would be writing blogs after all of these years. Was it my destiny or was it just a fluke of fate? That is a question for greater minds than mine.

On a philosophical note, what is the question you should be asking yourself right now, and what is the answer to that question? Don’t answer in this blog, please. I got enough problems.

I used to have a motorcycle. In fact for decades I had motorcycles. I loved them. In my state, Wisconsin, we don’t need a helmet, or we don’t have to wear one if we are old enough and we don’t want to wear one. So it gives a sense of freedom to have the wind blowing in my face and my bald head. And what does this have to do with a website devoted to the maintenance of household appliances?!

That question will not be answered. Because there is no answer. I’m just lying here on my couch making this stuff up and kind of entertaining myself in the process. I’m easily amused, you know.

And speaking of rock and roll, what ever happen to really good rock and roll? I went to a festival this last weekend and I listen to a teenage rock and roll group. I could only stand one song. It made me feel like getting up on stage and taking their guitars away from them and smashing them on the stage like Jimmy Hendrix would have. Instead I just left, but it was a traumatic experience that I have not forgotten no matter how hard I try. I was hoping putting my mind on this blog would help me forget, but I’m only using this blog to remember. So what good is this blog to me? I’m going to send it to my webmaster and see what he thinks.

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Welcome to step right up manuals Part-4

Welcome to step right up manuals Part-4

This morning my webmaster walked up to me with bloodshot eyes. I thought he had been crying but it turns out he has been losing sleep over these blogs for the past several days.

He said to me, “What is this shit? You call this a blog?” And I said, well, “I call it a blog but it depends it depends on the person’s individual definition of blog”. Then he walked away rolling his eyes. I thought he was going to cry. Last I saw he was banging his head against the wall and saying something like he couldn’t stand it anymore. Well we all have our problems. This is my blog about my appliance repair manuals website.

The weather where I am now it was sunny and warm today. People said it had been raining a lot but it was dry today. People could put their laundry out on the line and not have to worry about fixing their dryers. If they did they could get a manual from me here on this website, because I sell them here. Check it out. How is your dryer doing.?

Will 100 to 300 words is a lot more than I say in the usual day. I usually limit myself to about 30 words per week. I am a man of very few words, and even less than words, so it’s like hell for me to write a blog. Blogs are for extrovert. Ok good enough tomorrow I will surely say something more serious. Right now I have no idea what that might be.

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Welcome to step right up manuals Part-3

Welcome to step right up manuals Part-3

My webmaster threatened to hire somebody to write these blogs if I didn’t do it myself. I’d just like to know whose money he was planning on spending to hire somebody? I’ll have to have a serious talk with him. No excuses this time I will make my demands known. I will demand that, if he hires somebody, that person has to know how to spell. That ought to scare him. That will teach him who’s boss. I hope he is reading this now. Will he sleep tonight?

Well, my webmaster gave me a format to do blogs. Was he serious? Or was he joking? Who does he think I am anyway.? Just somebody he can order around and say, “Hey you write me a blog”? I don’t know what I’m going to do about him.

He wants me to describe the website but I’d rather talk about sailing, or diving, or motorcycle riding, or the weather, or a good book or a good movie for good music, like Queen or Jethro Tull. Now that I can write a blog about. It was a dark day indeed in the annals of rock and roll when Freddie Mercury passed into the next realm. And that’s all I have to say in this installment of my appliance service manuals blog. How do you like it so far?

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Welcome to step right up manuals Part-2

Welcome to step right up manuals Part-2

My webmaster and I get along pretty well, although sometimes he forgets who’s boss. When he does that he tells me to write blogs. He tells me to do something that normally I wouldn’t do. I’ve never written a blog before and there is a reason for that. I don’t want to. I wouldn’t be doing it now except for I lost the book I was reading and have nothing else to do. I don’t watch much TV. TV sucks. Bad for the brain.

So he wants me to describe the website. Well its pretty self explanatory I guess. It’s a website that offers service manuals for home appliances. There are other appliances as well as home appliances listed, for instance Carrier truck refrigeration is in there. But mostly they are for home appliances like air conditioners, dishwashers, dryers, heating, microwave ovens, kitchen heater things like ovens and stoves and that kind of thing for kitchens, refrigerators, and washing machines.

I’ve had a lot of feedback over the years saying that people pay a little bit of money for a manual and save hundreds of dollars by being able to fix things themselves. Often you can fix an appliance without even buying parts. It just takes a little imagination, but sometimes you do have to buy parts. There’s a few parts manuals listed here also. There are cheaper. They should be.

I’m just wondering what else I can say to use up my space. I dictated this into my phone and then email it to myself on the PC. Actually I don’t have a PC, I use Linux. Its the poor man’s Mac. Well it sure looks like 100 to 300 words to me. The important thing is that it gets by my webmaster. He is a slave driver. But he’s the best webmaster I’ve ever had so I think I have to do what he says, even though I don’t like it. Stay tuned for the next installment. I’m just making this up as I go.

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Welcome to step right up manuals

Welcome to step right up manuals

Welcome to step right up manuals, your source for appliance service manuals. This is the result, or a partial result, of my somewhat checkered past indulging in different schemes to make a living. One of those schemes was appliance repair.

It all started at a young age when I would take apart my mechanical toys to see how they worked. Most never got put back together correctly but I learned a little about machines that way.

Somewhere along the line people began to hear that I could fix things that other people couldn’t. It wasn’t that I really could do something other people could not do, it was that I was willing to try things I had never done before. In my younger and wilder day I thought it was a challenge. But one of the things I found myself doing was searching and searching and searching and searching for appliance repair manuals to help me do the job and not make it worse.

In 2008 I had a bad surgical accident which left me unable to work. I had nothing to do and I used my time to compile appliance service manuals just in case I ever needed them. Then I got the idea to offer it to other people, both do-it-yourself and professionals to make their lives easier. I thought it was a good idea to have a whole bunch of manuals in one place rather than spending a lot of time surfing the internet for them.

My webmaster says I have to write blogs for Google to find this website. They only have to be 100 to 300 words. So I guess this is good enough for this one. He says it doesn’t matter what I say in the blogs because who would want to read a blog about appliance service manuals anyway? Not me. I just want the manual, I don’t want to read a blog when I’m working. So that’s good enough for this blog. Stay tuned for more. He says I have to do it. There is no way around it. Does anybody know a good webmaster? One who won’t make me write blogs?