Welcome to step right up manuals
Welcome to step right up manuals, your source for appliance service manuals. This is the result, or a partial result, of my somewhat checkered past indulging in different schemes to make a living. One of those schemes was appliance repair.
It all started at a young age when I would take apart my mechanical toys to see how they worked. Most never got put back together correctly but I learned a little about machines that way.
Somewhere along the line people began to hear that I could fix things that other people couldn’t. It wasn’t that I really could do something other people could not do, it was that I was willing to try things I had never done before. In my younger and wilder day I thought it was a challenge. But one of the things I found myself doing was searching and searching and searching and searching for appliance repair manuals to help me do the job and not make it worse.
In 2008 I had a bad surgical accident which left me unable to work. I had nothing to do and I used my time to compile appliance service manuals just in case I ever needed them. Then I got the idea to offer it to other people, both do-it-yourself and professionals to make their lives easier. I thought it was a good idea to have a whole bunch of manuals in one place rather than spending a lot of time surfing the internet for them.
My webmaster says I have to write blogs for Google to find this website. They only have to be 100 to 300 words. So I guess this is good enough for this one. He says it doesn’t matter what I say in the blogs because who would want to read a blog about appliance service manuals anyway? Not me. I just want the manual, I don’t want to read a blog when I’m working. So that’s good enough for this blog. Stay tuned for more. He says I have to do it. There is no way around it. Does anybody know a good webmaster? One who won’t make me write blogs?